Sunday, August 8, 2021

Knoll of the Dead: The Map

 You may be wondering "Why hasn't there been a post for nearly a month?"

I've been working on one, but it's a long post, and I've been having trouble finishing it.  It dawned on me that I should just break it down into smaller pieces and make it a series.

This series of posts was requested by the players of Teena and Zyier. They wanted to see what they missed, so to speak.

The Map

I normally don't like to share my maps on here, because I like to reuse them and I'm afraid that my players will find the blog. But I specifically made this map as a one-shot disposable tutorial.  It's good for teaching the game, but not one I'm likely to use for any other purpose.

The map is the traditional 1 square = 10 feet. Because it is a thorny hedgerow rather than a building, there are no doors. The corners are probably not as sharp as shown on the map.

The party entered on the passage to the left (west) of the map.  When they reach the four way intersection they turned to their left (north). They followed that passage as it turned again to the east until they hit the four way intersection that leads to room 4.  At that intersection they turned to the north and ended up leaving the hedge.

They traveled outside the knoll going east the south, and re-entered through the eastern passage (on the right hand side of the map).  It was at the first three-way intersection where they lit the fire.

To Be Continued...

That's it for this week. Next week we'll start looking at the details.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, a peak behind the curtain! It's interesting to see your thoughts, and also funny how they didn't interact with nearly any of the actual maze. XD


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