Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Creation Myth: A Campaign Setting for Unlucky 13

Right now I'm in Alaska on a belated honeymoon, tapping out this blog post on my phone, surrounded by breathtaking views. Let me snap a quick picture as I write:

The unspoiled nature of this place got me thinking of a primitive game setting. I think I posted before about running a stone age setting but what if we go further back. 

How far back?

All the way.

The game would start with the creation of humankind. Each player would be created by a different Olympian type god. The party would be the first humans. 

Each character would be the head of a tiny tribe. Originally I was thinking about using D&D rules, and the tribe size would be based on the character's charisma score. Switching to U13, I'm not sure how I'll handle it.

The player characters will have no technology. No stone tools. No knowledge of farming or ranching. 

It's not fully formed yet. Just an idea.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting!!!
    I would be very intrigued to see how a campaign like this would develop, and what sorts of challenges would be faced.
    Perhaps the challenge is developing those farming and similar techniques? While also dealing with perhaps the spawn of more antagonistic Olympian-esque gods?
    Whatever route it takes, this is very interesting!!!


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