Saturday, October 23, 2021

History of the Astral Web, Part 3

This is the third in a series of articles covering the in-world history of the Astral Web. I originally wrote the history as 15 or so eras of history. Rather than make one long post, each era is getting its own post.

The Story so Far

In The First Step, mankind had terraformed Mars, and established settlements there.

In The Departure, mankind decided to send a million settlers to establish life around distant suns.

Left at Albuquerque1

Somewhere deep in space, no one knows where it was for sure, but somewhere out there, something happened. Some scientists think that the fleet fell into a special rift known as a wormhole. Others think the fleet traveled too near the event horizon of a singularity.2 The tabloid press theorizes that it was done on purpose … either by a conniving Earth command, or by aliens. Whatever the cause, the fleet was fragmented, and the crew were never revived until they were much farther from earth than anyone had ever dreamed.

  1. This section title was an homage to a running Bugs Bunny gag. In several cartoons Bugs will pop out of a hole in the ground in an unexpected place. He invariably looks at a map and says “I should have turned left at Albuquerque.”

  2. In my mind, the fleet fell into a natural cascade of nexus points. I wrote it vague, though, so that other GM’s could make it whatever they wanted.

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