Sunday, June 20, 2021

Unlucky 13 System: Name & Logo

 A year ago I posted about my idea for a talent system

For a long time my though of an ideal RPG was one with skills/talents but not attributes.  It occurred to me that the talent system I developed in that post could be stripped out of the D&D/OSR trappings and be used on it's own. Maybe as a replacement for the 1-die mechanic being used in the Clout RPG.

As you might remember, the "Crowfield system" used 2d12.  A roll of 14+ is a success and a roll of 12- is a failure.  A roll of "13" is a special case, called "Unlucky 13" where the player has a choice to make.

The name "Crowfield Talent System," ties it to Crowfield's medieval fantasy setting. I want to free it up to be used in other settings and genres, so I'm renaming it after its defining characteristic; it is now The Unlucky 13 System.

Along with the name, I have a couple of logo ideas:

The second logo is the same as the first, just with the full name as well:

What do you think?  Which one do you like better?  Do you have a better idea?

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! I'm a big fan of that system as described, and I would definitely enjoy it being used in other game systems as well!
    As for the logo...I'm partial to the first image shared, without the full name.


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