Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Merry Christmas, 2020

When I was young, members of the extended family would come to our house for a Christmas night snack. The dining room table would be filled with pies, pastries, and those little cookies that people only seem to make this time of year. There were rolls, and lunch meat, and sometimes even some torpedo stuff in the kitchen. One by one, people would filter into the house: my brother, my sisters, my cousins, and numerous aunts and uncles!

It would often be snowing that night, and I was always afraid that someone would get into an accident while driving to the house, and I was always relieved whenever the doorbell rang. It’s been many years since those days have gone by, but whenever I think of Christmas, these are the days I think of. In memory of those days I wrote this…

Christmas Night

Snow falls from heights unseen,
As I stand by lights that twinkle green.
I worry if they’ll make it all right,
Driving on this snowy night;
Driving here this Christmas night.

Eventually the doorbell rings.
They’ve made it! Their arms full of pies and things.
In the other room the children play,
And I can’t help but say,
“Oh! What a Christmas day!”

All the family is there, and they talk.
Down memory’s lanes they walk,
Sharing their laughter, hopes, and dreams.
Always shall I remember these scenes,
Because this is what Christmas means.

Merry Christmas, everyone.


  1. A little belated, but Merry Christmas, Snowgen! Thanks for sharing the sentiment and poem - certainly made me smile and warm up a chilly morning. =)

  2. Not belated at all! It's only still 6th day of Christmas! Only halfway though.

    Thank you!


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