There are a ton of Dungeons & Dragons retro-clones. So many that there isn't a complete listing anywhere. The best listing I've seen is the one at Taxidermic Owlbear, though I believe that list is now out of date. The second best listing is the one at Tenkar's Tavern.
Anyway, I certainly have not had enough time to read every ruleset out there, but I've read a lot. The one I like the best is White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game, but it's still not an exact match for my preferences.
Maybe one of my readers knows of a better match for me.
Here are my preferences:
- Armor Class should be Ascending.
- Limited number of classes: Fighter, Magic-User, and Cleric (like OD&D). Druid is ok. I can barely tolerate Thief. Rangers, Paladins, and Bards are unacceptable.
- Race as class. Allowing all races to be thieves is acceptable.
- There should be some serious disadvantages for being non-human. The disadvantage should be so severe that most players would rather play a human.
- Three alignments (like OD&D). Or none.
- Savings throws based on attributes. Second preference is the 3E categories. Third preference is a single save. Recreations of the original D&D savings throw category is unacceptable.
- d6 based Hit Dice is preferred (like OD&D).
- All hits should do 1d6 (like OD&D).
- Most monsters get only 1 attack per round (like OD&D).
The problem with my preferences is clear: I want something that emulates OD&D, except where I don't want it to. Most retro-clones are written to emulate a specific version.
So what retro-clone would you recommend for me? How do you preferences differ from mine?